Semiconductor Industry

Supply Chain Risk Prevention


of top semiconductor manufacturers rely on SRS for supply chain resilience

Semiconductor Supply Disruptions

Your senior executives and customers expect production to continue no matter what. Yet your supply chain is subject to many threats such as natural disasters, export restrictions, bankruptcy, pandemic, site fires, labor strikes, etc.

Supply chain disruptions wreck your sourcing plans, damage your reputation, and leave key customers unhappy.

When a key supplier suffers a disruption, it’s already too late.

Move from Reaction to Prevention

SRS is the first and only cloud-based resilience solution specialized for semiconductor manufacturers. 25% of the world’s largest semiconductor manufacturers rely on SRS.

The semiconductor supply chain footprint & risk data is already in SRS. You simply log in to view the semiconductor supplier/subcon/subtier footprint, gain geopolitical risk insights, and compare supplier risks and mitigation strategies. SRS manages supplier outreach on behalf of our semiconductor customers.

Imagine being able to see threats that await you and prevent them. Your suppliers put specific protections in place at their production sites and your supply disruptions have been cut in half. Your Sourcing team saves effort by digitizing transparency, monitoring, and prevention.

Act Now

Rapid technology change, frequent demand changes, and geographically dispersed supply chains leave you little margin of error.

Anticipate and prevent most supply disruptions.